Digital Campus

  • Authors

    • Siti Nur Ain Basri Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
    • Faridahanim Ahmad
    • Nur Izie Adiana Abidin
    • Ishak Baba
    • Hasnida Harun
    • Nor Hazren Abdul Hamid
    • Mariah Awang
    • Muhammad Ashraf Abdul Rahman
    • Muhammad Kamaruzaman Musa
    • Nuramidah Hamidon
    • Suhaida Ahmad
    • Suhaila Ahmad
    • Suhaila Ahmad
    • Shahrul Azhan Ishak
  • Digital Campus, Smart Campus, Map, Navigation, Location.
  • Abstract

    Mobile is everywhere, changing the way we work, play, socialize, and learn. Students nowadays are immersed in a digital culture driven by mobile consumer experiences across a range of devices, from wearable to phones, tablets and virtual-reality platforms. Digital Campus is a website application that is in University Tun Hussien Onn Pagoh Campus. The purpose of this website is to search all locations located in Pagoh Campus such as laboratory, admin office, dean office, cafe and classroom. Digital campus website is embedded with Open Street Map. It is open databased licensing and it is a collaborative mapping. This website is developed using Joomla 3.8.13 with PHP version, 5.6.25. There are 204 locations were plotted using this link Digital campus based on Open Street Map can helps students, admin staff, lectures and visitors to find location in very easy way by using digital platform. Thus, this application facilities can optimization of administration work and promote university management to higher performances.



  • References

    1. [1] Ahson, S. (2010). Location-Based Services Handbook: Applications, Technologies, and Security. Hoboken, CRC Press,

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      [4] Tohoku University (2018), Map and direction. Website of Tohoku University, available online:, last visit: 11. 11. 2018.

      [5] Girfifth University (2018), Campuses and facilities. Website of Girfifth University, available online:, last visit: 11. 11. 2018.

      [6] Digital School Campus (2018), Bus Management. Website of Digital School Campus, available online:, last visit: 11.11.2018.

      [7] WALSH University (2018), WALSH University Campus Tours. Website of WALSH University, available online:, last visit: 11. 11. 2018.

      [8] UiTM Digital Campus (2018), Application Portfolio. Website of UiTM Digital Campus, available online:, last visit: 11. 11. 2018.

      [9] Yonsei University (2015), Site Map. Website of Yonsei University, available online:, last visit: 11. 11. 2018.

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  • How to Cite

    Nur Ain Basri, S., Ahmad, F., Izie Adiana Abidin, N., Baba, I., Harun, H., Hazren Abdul Hamid, N., Awang, M., Ashraf Abdul Rahman, M., Kamaruzaman Musa, M., Hamidon, N., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, S., & Azhan Ishak, S. (2020). Digital Campus. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 9(2), 382-389.

    Received date: 2019-12-31

    Accepted date: 2020-03-06

    Published date: 2020-04-18