Mobile Robot Path Planning using Q-Learning with Guided Distance

  • Authors

    • Ee Soong Low
    • Pauline Ong
    • Cheng Yee Low
  • Guided distance, Mobile robot, Path planning, Q-learning, Reinforcement learning.
  • Abstract

    In path planning for mobile robot, classical Q-learning algorithm requires high iteration counts and longer time taken to achieve convergence. This is due to the beginning stage of classical Q-learning for path planning consists of mostly exploration, involving random direction decision making. This paper proposed the addition of distance aspect into direction decision making in Q-learning. This feature is used to reduce the time taken for the Q-learning to fully converge. In the meanwhile, random direction decision making is added and activated when mobile robot gets trapped in local optima. This strategy enables the mobile robot to escape from local optimal trap. The results show that the time taken for the improved Q-learning with distance guiding to converge is longer than the classical Q-learning. However, the total number of steps used is lower than the classical Q-learning.


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  • How to Cite

    Soong Low, E., Ong, P., & Yee Low, C. (2018). Mobile Robot Path Planning using Q-Learning with Guided Distance. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.27), 57-62.

    Received date: 2018-11-30

    Accepted date: 2018-11-30

    Published date: 2018-11-30