Histological and histopathological study of the lower uterine segment after previous caesarean section and placenta accreta

  • Authors

    • Reem Abdulazim Hussein Abdulsalam Ain shams university
    • Mohamed Ezz El Deen Ali Azzam
    • Amr Mohammed Abd El Fatah El Helaly
    • Marwa Labib Badr Ahmed
  • Decidua - Muscle Disarray – Extravillous Trophoblast.
  • Abstract

    Although the risk factors for placenta accreta are well established, the underlying mechanisms leading to abnormal placental adhesions are less well understood. This study was undertaken to evaluate the histology and histopathology of the lower uterine segment in CS in a trial to understand the possible pathogenesis of placenta accreta.

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  • How to Cite

    Abdulsalam, R. A. H., Azzam, M. E. E. D. A., El Helaly, A. M. A. E. F., & Ahmed, M. L. B. (2017). Histological and histopathological study of the lower uterine segment after previous caesarean section and placenta accreta. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(4), 90-101. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijbas.v6i4.7126

    Received date: 2016-12-20

    Accepted date: 2017-01-01

    Published date: 2017-11-06