Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in enwan a rural community in Akoko – Edo local government area, Edo state, Nigeria

  • Authors

    • Imarenezor E.P.K
    • Nmorsi O.P.G
    • Eghafona N. O
    • Regina Ohenhen Ambrose Alli University
    • Ekozien M. I
  • Abstract

    The prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in Enwan, a rural community of Edo state, Nigeria was study with a total of 300 individuals volunteering to take part in the investigation for the present of Schistosoma haematobium ovas in their urine samples. Of this total samples which comprises of 193 (64.3%) males and 107 (35.7%) females examined for the presence ova of S. haematobium in their urine using centrifugation technique, overall, 130 (43.3%) had the eggs of S. haematobium in their urine and which was graded as light infection (< 50 ova/10ml) and heavy infection (? 50 ova /10ml) of urine. A total of 75 (57.7%) had light infection while 55(42.3%) had heavy infection for S. haematobium. Thirty one (37.3%) had heavy infection while 52(62.7%) light infection of 83(63.9%) positive males for S. haematobium. Twenty four (51.1%) had heavy infection while 23(48.9%) had light infection of 47(36.1%) positive females for S. haematobium. Males had the highest to the lowest prevalence rate at age between 16 – 20years 37(71.2%), 26 – 30 years 17(44.7%), 11 – 15years 13(30.2%) and 21 – 25years 16(26.7%) in that order,  Females had the highest to the lowest prevalence rate at age11 – 15years 6(66.7%), 16 – 20years 25(62.5%), 21 – 25years 10(33.3%) and 26 – 30years 6(21.4%) in that order. Male’s prevalence rate when compared to that of female showed no significant difference in the surveyed population.

    Author Biography

    • Regina Ohenhen, Ambrose Alli University
      Microbiology -Associate Professor
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  • How to Cite

    E.P.K, I., O.P.G, N., N. O, E., Ohenhen, R., & M. I, E. (2013). Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in enwan a rural community in Akoko – Edo local government area, Edo state, Nigeria. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2(2), 189-192.

    Received date: 2013-01-14

    Accepted date: 2013-02-01

    Published date: 2013-05-06