Clustering and multiple imputation of missing data

  • Authors

    • Elsiddig Koko Sudan University of Science & Technology, Faculty of science, Department of Statistics
    • Amin Ibrahim Adam Mohamed
  • Cluster Analysis, Missing Data, Multiple Imputation, Two-Step Cluster Analysis.
  • Abstract

    The present work specifically focuses on the data analysis as the objective is to deal with the missing values in cluster analysis. Two-Step Cluster Analysis is applied in which each participant is classified into one of the identified pattern and the optimal number of classes is determined using SPSS Statistics/IBM. Any observation with missing data is excluded in the Cluster Analysis because like multi-variable statistical techniques. Therefore, before performing the cluster analysis, missing values will be imputed using multiple imputations (SPSS Statistics/IBM). The clustering results will be displayed in tables. Furthermore, goal of analysis is to reduce biases arising from the fact that non-respondents may be different from those who participate and to bring sample data up to the dimensions of the target population totals.

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  • How to Cite

    Koko, E., & Mohamed, A. I. A. (2015). Clustering and multiple imputation of missing data. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(1), 15-29.

    Received date: 2015-10-23

    Accepted date: 2015-12-05

    Published date: 2015-12-10