Study of fluid flow simulation and the influence of model control parameters using ENS method
Explicit Numerical Simulation, Fluid Dynamic Experiments, Parameter Analysis, Single-Phase Flow. -
Flow in porous media is of considerable interest in many areas of engineering and science including water and pollutant flow in soils, water flow in geothermal reservoirs and flows through packed bed reactors. A three-speed Galilean-invariant LGA (GI-LGA) method has been applied to accurately describe the hydrodynamic behaviour. Influence of sub-volume size and temperature difference on viscosity is investigated in this present study. Fluid dynamics experiments such as flow between parallel plates and flow past a circular cylinder is studied; flow between two flat plates demonstrated the expected fluid dynamic behaviour and flow around a cylinder compared well with literature results in measurement of the drag coefficient.
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How to Cite
Lakshmanan, S., & Easson, W. J. (2015). Study of fluid flow simulation and the influence of model control parameters using ENS method. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 140-148. date: 2015-01-08
Accepted date: 2015-02-02
Published date: 2015-02-12