Proposal for formulation of blocks to guarantee the sustainability of buildings in the Abidjan real estate park
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A recurring fall of buildings in recent years (2013-2023) in the city of Abidjan has caused enormous material and human damage. This study was initiated in order to propose a formulation for the development of concrete blocks to guarantee the sustainability of buildings in the Abidjan real estate. The raw materials used are aggregates composed of sand, granite powder and a hydraulic binder (portland cement) then water for mixing. The aggregates were characterized before being used for the manufacture of the various FSB, FPS and FPG concrete blocks. The materials were subjected to physical and mechanical tests. The results showed that the sand and granite powder aggregates have a granular class of 0/1 and 0/2 respectively. Concerning concrete blocks, the density increases with the maturation time, namely 28 days maximum and when they are composed of both sand and granite powder (FPS). This significantly reduces the number of pores in the material. The compressive strength test showed that at 28 days of maturation, the FPS are more resistant than the FPG and FSB with respective values of 6.50 MPa; 5.31 MPa and 3.10 MPa. It appears that the addition of granite powder to the composition of the concrete blocks improves the density, porosity and compressive strength of the latter. The promotion of this formulation among concrete block manufacturers would make it possible to improve real estate construction, guarantee the durability of buildings in the Abidjan real estate park and thus avoid the possible fall of buildings.
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How to Cite
Mamery Adama , S. ., Ovo Sandrine Flora , A. ., Ouaga Jean Bruce Nataniel , G. ., & Edjikémé , E. . (2024). Proposal for formulation of blocks to guarantee the sustainability of buildings in the Abidjan real estate park. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 13(2), 32-37.