Socio-economic contribution of eucalyptus species on the livelihood of small-holder growers in horro buluk woreda, Oromia, Ethiopia
Eucalyptus Plantation; Socioeconomic Contribution; Livelihood; Small-Holder; Growers -
Tree plantation practices in Ethiopia are dominated by exotic tree species, and Eucalyptus takes the lead in terms of coverage and purpose. Even though eucalyptus trees have several advantages over many other tree species, they are nonetheless criticized for their detrimental effects on the environment. There is a limitation of evidence on eucalyptus plantation practice and its economic contribution in the study area. The objective of the study was to socioeconomic contribution of eucalyptus species on the livelihood of small-holder growers in Horro buluk district, West Ethiopia. A total of 161 households were selected by systematic random sampling. Data were collected using key informant interviews, focus group discussions and household surveys. In addition, secondary data were collected from published and unpublished sources. The collected quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test chi-square-test and the qualitative data were analyzed using a summary of the text. Income from Eucalyptus accounts for 33.4 % of the total household income next to crop income which accounts for 39.6 %. Eucalyptus is also the main source of fuelwood and construction. According to the result, respondents chose eucalyptus over other tree species because of its high-income return, suitability for use as building and fuel which is raised in short rotation and need for minimal management. The outcome of the study also confirmed the local people's high reliance on eucalyptus-related activities, with eucalyptus-related income making up the majority of their sources of subsistence.
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How to Cite
Takele, S. (2024). Socio-economic contribution of eucalyptus species on the livelihood of small-holder growers in horro buluk woreda, Oromia, Ethiopia. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 13(2), 56-61.