Study the expense of rang and relative rang to carbon ions and oxygen ions among the various elements

  • Authors

    • Inaam Kadhim
    • Iman Abdullah
  • Abstract

    In this research study theory to calculate the range of ions of carbon ions of oxygen with atomic number ( 6.8 ) during the passage of the media watchdog of the elements ( lanthanum La, Samarium Sm, Alerdiom Er, Altantalm Ta, gold Au, Lead Pb and uranium U) with numbers Atomic (57,62,68,73,82,92) the results showed that the Rang of carbon ions and oxygen ions in these circles depends on Quicken goals Atomic exponentially in addition , we find that the term proportional directly proportional to the charged particle energy as well as its dependence on shipment The mass and density of the charged particle . The curves showed that the Rang of oxygen and carbon ions increases with increasing energy, with a note that the Rang of carbon is greater than the Rang of oxygen because the term is inversely proportional to the missile shipment.

    As for the term relative lost by each of the ions of oxygen and carbon in target (IAEA) (La, Sm, Er, Ta, Au, Pb, and U). , And compared the results obtained to the Rang with the results of the program SRIM2003 Tests showed good agreement with the use of the equation, especially due to the difficulty in obtaining results of the process over. A computer program has been adopted in the Matlab programming language equations for calculating the range to get the desired results and that is described as graphs.

    Keywords: Alpha Particles, Matlab, Atomic, Energy, the Program SRIM2003.

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  • How to Cite

    Kadhim, I., & Abdullah, I. (2014). Study the expense of rang and relative rang to carbon ions and oxygen ions among the various elements. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 281-284.

    Received date: 2014-06-04

    Accepted date: 2014-07-12

    Published date: 2014-07-25