Factorial analysis of trace elements of Tamarindus indica with reference to Bela ophiolite

  • Authors

    • Salma Hamza Department of Geology, University of Karachi
    • Shahid Naseem Department of Geology, University of Karachi
    • syed Nawaz Ul-Huda Department of Geography, University of Karachi
    • Erum Bashir Department of Geology, University of Karachi
    • Farkhunda Burke Department of Geography, University of Karachi
    • Shamim Sheikh Department of Geology, University of Karachi
  • Abstract

    A study of ophiolitic rocks, soils, twigs and fruits of Tamarindus indica have been carried out to evaluate elemental relationship. Soil of the study area revealed concentration of trace elements acquired from the bedrock. Its average abundance (mg/kg) in the soil was Mn (30), Fe (28), Pb (5.12), Cr (4.7), Ni (3.12), Cu (2.66), Zn (1.02), Co (0.97) and Cd (0.49). Fruit pulp presented: Fe (16.0), Cr (5.57), Zn (3.75), Mn (2.99), Cu (2.05), Co (0.92) and Ni (0.24). Twigs of T. indica showed Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu>Ni>Cr>Pb>Co>Cd trend of concentration. Elemental composition of rock-soil-twig-fruit of T. indica demonstrated similarities in the distribution pattern, reflecting common association between them. Correlation matrix (CM) and principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that elemental distribution of T. indica is influenced by the composition of rocks and soils of the study area.

    Keywords: PCA; Rock-Soil-Twig-Fruit Relation; Element Distribution; Geochemistry; Balochistan.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Hamza, S., Naseem, S., Ul-Huda, syed N., Bashir, E., Burke, F., & Sheikh, S. (2014). Factorial analysis of trace elements of Tamarindus indica with reference to Bela ophiolite. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 166-171. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijbas.v3i3.2580

    Received date: 2014-04-28

    Accepted date: 2014-05-24

    Published date: 2014-06-06