A theoretical fundation metaheuristic method to solve some multiobjective optimization problems
2013-10-15 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v2i4.902
metaheuristics, Alienor transformation, linear multiobjectif optimization, weighted Tchebychev metric, Pareto optimality. -
In the literature, many metaheuristics are available to find a good approximation of efficient solutions of optimization problems. But most of these methods don't have a theoretical foundation. In this work, we propose the theoretical foundation of MOMA (Multi-Objectif Alienor Metaheuristic) method and moreover its efficiency to solve linear optimization problems. This method is the combination of multiobjectif concepts and the Alienor transformation, which allows to transform a multiobjectif optimization problem in optimization of a single variable function. We solve two didactic examples in order to allow the best presentation of the MOMA method and besides the quality of obtained solutions is proved.
How to Cite
Kounhinir, S., Ulungu, B., Sawadogo, W. O., & Blaise, S. (2013). A theoretical fundation metaheuristic method to solve some multiobjective optimization problems. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 2(4), 464-475. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v2i4.902Received date: 2013-06-01
Accepted date: 2013-06-21
Published date: 2013-10-15