Series method to solve conformable fractional ric-cati differential equations
2017-02-26 -
Conformable Fractional Derivative, Conformable Fractional Integral, Power Series, Riccati Equation, Series Solution. -
This paper investigates and states some properties of conformable fractional derivative, Further Study and applies the series solution for a case of conformable fractional Riccati deferential equation with variable coefficients “which is arising in stochastic games†or “hyperbolic boundary control." Recently, Prof. Roshdi Khalil introduced a new and interesting definition for the C F D, which is simpler than the previous definition in Caputo and Riemann-Liouville. It leads to many extensions of the classical theorems in calculus.
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How to Cite
Al Masalmeh, M. (2017). Series method to solve conformable fractional ric-cati differential equations. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 6(1), 30-33. date: 2017-01-17
Accepted date: 2017-02-18
Published date: 2017-02-26