Spatiotemporal dynamics in a complex network of two dimensional logistic maps
We investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of two dimensional logisticmaps in complex ring network. The local on site map is chosen as the fully chaotic twospecies logistic map. Species of different nodes interact with symbiosis, predator-prey andcompetition. We study synchronization behaviour of the ring network under the abovethree types of interactions. We investigated the effect of varying coupling strength keep-ing rewiring probability p fixed. Interesting observations are presented with figures. -
How to Cite
Pal, S., & Tarai, A. (2012). Spatiotemporal dynamics in a complex network of two dimensional logistic maps. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 1(4), 604-610. date: 2012-08-09
Accepted date: 2012-08-29
Published date: 2012-09-09