Proposal of new models for prediction of the cost of agricultural raw materials in a business intelligence and machine learning context

  • Authors

    • Kanga Koffi Ecole Supérieure Africaine des TIC (ESATIC)
    • Kamagate beman Hamidja Ecole supérieure Africaine des TIC (ESATIC)
    • Brou Aguié Pacôme Bertrand Ecole supérieure Africaine des TIC (ESATIC), Laboratory : LASTIC
  • In this paper, we propose a data model for prediction of the cost of raw materials in a business intelligence context. Our contribution focuses initially on the implementation of a model with a star representation. This model highlights the fact (cost) to be predicted according to the axes linked to it. Secondly, from this basic model, our contribution is based on sub-models enabling us to carry out mono-dimensional anal-yses of the 'cost' fact. Thirdly, from these sub-models we establish associated mathematical models that allow us to deduce a global mathe-matical model from our basic model using linear regression and artificial neural network techniques. The implementation of these mono-dimensional sub-models in a machine learning database management system 'Minds DB', produces results that allow the prediction of raw material costs. Also, the predictions made by “Minds DB” are computationally validated by linear regression techniques which give better results than those of artificial neural networks.

    Author Biographies

    • Kamagate beman Hamidja, Ecole supérieure Africaine des TIC (ESATIC)

      Mr KAMAGATE is a computer science teacher at esatic (Republic of Ivory Coast).
      I am now submitting this paper to your journal for publication after reviewing the ideas presented

    • Brou Aguié Pacôme Bertrand , Ecole supérieure Africaine des TIC (ESATIC), Laboratory : LASTIC

      mR BROU PACOME is a computer science teacher at esatic (Republic of Ivory Coast).
      I am now submitting this paper to your journal for publication after reviewing the ideas presented .

      His laboratory is LASTIC

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  • How to Cite

    Koffi, K., beman Hamidja, K., & Aguié Pacôme Bertrand , B. (2024). Proposal of new models for prediction of the cost of agricultural raw materials in a business intelligence and machine learning context. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 13(1), 102-111.