Modeling of a photovoltaic drip irrigation system for an offseason crop: case of onion cultivation in PITOA (North Cameroon)

  • Authors

    • Boussaibo Andre University Institute of Technology of Ngaoundere/Cameroon
    • Sawalda Alphonse
    • Ndjiya Ngasop Stephane
    • Deli Goron
    • Pene Armel Duvalier
    • Kitmo .
  • In this article, attention is paid to the use of photovoltaic electricity for the popularization of off-season agriculture in arid Sahelian areas. Here we propose an efficient solar drip irrigation model for rational use of water for off-season crops. The model of the proposed sys-tem is developed in the MATALAB/Simulink environment. The results of simulations based on field data specific to the cultivation of off-season onions in the locality of PITOA (North Cameroon) are obtained for a cultivable area of 1 hectare, according that the area to be irrigated is 7200 m². The algorithm developed for determining the soil capacity made it possible to evaluate the useful reserve at 1.70 mm/cm. Under the set test conditions (temperature 25°C, irradiance 1000 W/m²), the water flow provided by a dripper is estimated at 20 l/h. To meet the water needs of crops, the power of the photovoltaic generator is 1600 W peak.

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  • How to Cite

    Andre, B., Alphonse, S., Ngasop Stephane, N., Goron, D., Armel Duvalier, P., & ., K. (2024). Modeling of a photovoltaic drip irrigation system for an offseason crop: case of onion cultivation in PITOA (North Cameroon). International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 13(1), 1-12.