Renewed talent management: more productive development teams with digitalization supported HR tools
Company Culture, Competence Visualization, Digitalization, Human Resources, Performance, Skill, Talent Management, Team Analytics, Team Development. -
In most companies and organizations, performance is related to talent management and skills to analyze what and why people are working on. However, many companies do fail to implement a long-term strategy for the performance enhancement activities, considering the talents they have recruited. In this article, we propose a tool for HR work, in context of talent management and how to utilize people skills and productivity analytics to improve team performance and related KPIs. A project data-based case study is illustrated, in which a set of devel-oper and content marketers were analyzed as core team members. In practice, the presented framework makes an important contribution to decision-making activities, where people analytics and proper software tools are used to build new novel knowledge into talent pool of the team. With the framework-based analysis, it is possible to analytically compare team members’ performance and enhance the team’s skill and structural development which means that we can employ analytics to find best performers and set their roles for more optimally working teams. Our research supports the concept of using the right framework can make a big positive difference in team analytics.
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How to Cite
Vatousios, A., & Happonen, A. (2021). Renewed talent management: more productive development teams with digitalization supported HR tools. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 10(2), 170-180. date: 2021-07-19
Accepted date: 2021-08-25
Published date: 2021-09-28