Overview on the Form-Finding of Tensegrity Structure

  • Authors

    • A. H. Nadia Farhana
    • C. L. OH
    • H. M. Yee
    • A. Anizahyati
  • tensegrity, biotensegrity, form-finding, geometry, equilibrium.
  • This paper presents an overview of the previous research on the form finding structures which include tensegrity and biotensegrity structure. Tensegrity systems have been widely used for many applications due to the stability and flexibility of the structures. On technologies era nowadays, a stable structure is needed to implement for new developments especially robotics and machineries. Therefore, the importance of finding the shape or design configuration is to ensure it is in self-equilibrium which able to support itself. In order to build new structures which lies on general requirement, previous researchers have proposed several form-finding methods for instance by using force density method, advance force density method, finite element method, dynamic relaxation method, genetic algorithm, novel linear approach and Monte Carlo method. What kind of stable structures can be produced and how efficient the structures by using those methods? In this paper, understanding on the form-finding methods and various numerical examples of form-finding conducted in previous studies are presented to enhance researchers’ knowledge on the form-finding of tensegrity structures.



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  • How to Cite

    H. Nadia Farhana, A., L. OH, C., M. Yee, H., & Anizahyati, A. (2018). Overview on the Form-Finding of Tensegrity Structure. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.36), 52-55. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.36.29078