State-feedback control with a full-state estimator for a cart-inverted pendulum system
Cart Inverted Pendulum, Lagrange Equation, LQR, State Estimator, State-Feedback Control -
A Cart Inverted Pendulum System is an unstable, nonlinear and underactuated system. This makes a cart inverted pendulum system used as a benchmark for testing many control method. A cart must occupy the desired position and the angle of the pendulum must be in an equilibrium point. System modeling of a cart inverted pendulum is important for controlling this system, but modeling using assumptions from state-feedback control is not completely valid. To minimize unmeasured state variables, state estimators need to be designed. In this paper, the state estimator is designed to complete the state-feedback control to control the cart inverted pendulum system. The mathematical model of the cart inverted pendulum system is obtained by using the Lagrange equation which is then changed in the state space form. Mathematical models of motors and mechanical transmissions are also included in the cart inverted pendulum system modeling so that it can reduce errors in a real-time application. The state gain control parameter is obtained by selecting the weighting matrix in the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) method, then added with the Leuenberger observer gain that obtained by the pole placement method on the state estimator. Simulation is done to determine the system performance. The simulation results show that the proposed method can stabilize the cart inverted pendulum system on the cart position and the desired pendulum angle.
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How to Cite
Siradjuddin, I., Amalia, Z., Rohadi, E., Setiawan, B., Setiawan, A., Ika Putri, R., & Yudaningtyas, E. (2018). State-feedback control with a full-state estimator for a cart-inverted pendulum system. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.36), 1428-1434. date: 2019-04-26
Accepted date: 2019-04-26