A Lobal Optimization Algorithm for VLSI Floor planning Problems

  • Authors

    • Mrs. S.Venkatraman
    • P. Joshua Steve Allan
    • V. Manikandan
    • S. Sanjeev
    • R. Vivek Narayan
  • Floorplanning, , Genetic Algorithm, Stimulated Annealing, PSO, Area Optimization
  • Abstract

    Floorplanning is an important step for building a module design methodology. Floorplanning give early feedback that evaluates field of study choices, estimates chip space ,delay and congestion caused by wiring. As technology advances, style complexness are increasing and therefore the circuit size is obtaining larger. To deal with the increasing style complexness, hierarchic style and holding modules are widely used. This makes floorplanning coming up with way more essential to the standard of a really massive Scale Integration (VLSI) style, for several years, floorplanning comes up with could be an essential step, because it sets up the bottom work for a layout. However, the method of crucial blocks, shapes and positions with space step-down objective and ratio demand is observed as floorplanning. Common strategy for blocks floorplanning is to see within the 1st part so the relative location of the blocks to every different supported connection-cost criteria, within the second step, block filler is performed with the goal of minimizing the chip space and therefore the location of every block is finalized. From the machine purpose of read, VLSI floorplanning is NP-hard. The answer area can increase exponentially with the expansion of circuit scale, so it's tough to seek out the best answer by exploring the world answer area. To handle this complexness swarm based optimisation technique has opted during this projected work. A generalize answer has developed to require care of space likewise as interconnection wire length. to realize this weighted objective perform has outlined. the benefits of PSO like simplicity in implementation, and the Stimulated Annealing is used to reduce the hotspots in the circuits and much more effective way Genetic Algorithm is used obtain better optimization techniques



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  • How to Cite

    S.Venkatraman, M., Joshua Steve Allan, P., Manikandan, V., Sanjeev, S., & Vivek Narayan, R. (2018). A Lobal Optimization Algorithm for VLSI Floor planning Problems. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.6), 539-544. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.6.28924

    Received date: 2019-04-22

    Accepted date: 2019-04-22