Peace Building Terminology in the Quran: Thematic Approach
Salam, peace building, non violence movement -
There are no religions which teach their followers to destroy human life and environment. The cases of violances which are happened in the every religion, actualliy not come from the religion itself, but it was sourced by many factors such as economics, politics, cultures, the follower’s exegesis to the texts and etc. Here the author will analyze about the peace building terminology which is used by Quran, with thematic approach. Thematic approach is used to analyze the Quranic verses that contain the term of salam which are closely related to the peace building and non-violence movement. The results of study are that this term is directly related to positive attitude to life, and good interaction with the society, nature, and God especially.
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How to Cite
Rofiq, A. (2019). Peace Building Terminology in the Quran: Thematic Approach. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(1.9), 454-457. date: 2019-01-30
Accepted date: 2019-01-30