Numerical Simulations of Nonbreaking Solitary Wave Attenuation by a Parameterized Mangrove Forest Model

  • Authors

    • Didit Adytia
    • Semeidi Husrin
  • Tsunami, Solitary waves, Mangrove Forest, Water Waves, Boussinesq equations.
  • Abstract

    A numerical approach for investigating a nonlinear transformation of tsunami wave attenuation due to mangrove forest was performed.  A dispersive nonlinear wave model so-called Optimized Variational Boussinesq Model (OVBM) is used to simulate the propagation of non-breaking solitary waves, representing tsunami waves. The wave damping by mangrove forest is modelled by adding a dissipation term due to bottom roughness in the momentum equation of the OVBM. The accuracy of the model larger than 85% is obtained by comparing results of simulation with experimental data from the hydrodynamic laboratory.



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  • How to Cite

    Adytia, D., & Husrin, S. (2019). Numerical Simulations of Nonbreaking Solitary Wave Attenuation by a Parameterized Mangrove Forest Model. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(1.9), 10-16.

    Received date: 2019-01-22

    Accepted date: 2019-01-22

    Published date: 2019-01-26