Determination of Number of New Elements for Sequence of Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping

  • Authors

    • Azrul Azim Mohd Yunus
    • Tahir Ahmad
  • Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping, Sequence, Cubes of FTTMn.
  • Abstract

    Problem involving neuro magnetic inverse problem can be solved with Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping (FTTM). FTTM is a model consists of four components and connected by three algorithms. FTTM version 1 and version 2 were designed to present 3D view of an unbounded single current and bounded multicurrent sources, respectively. Several definitions related to sequence of FTTM were introduced by Suhana and the feature, namely the cube of FTTM are developed. In this paper, sequence of FTTM namely FTTMn are discussed. Consequently, some theorems are proved to describe the number of the new elements produced from the FTTMn. Besides that, the number of new elements produced from combination of sequence of FTTMn can be written as a combination from cubes of FTTMn.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Azim Mohd Yunus, A., & Ahmad, T. (2018). Determination of Number of New Elements for Sequence of Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.15), 474-476.

    Received date: 2019-01-12

    Accepted date: 2019-01-12

    Published date: 2018-10-07