The Influence of Brand Equity and STP Towards Pricing Strategy and the Impact on Decision Making

  • Authors

    • Ryan Kurniawan
    • Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi
    • Zeffanya Raphael Wijaya
  • Brand Equity, STP, Pricing Strategy, Decision Making.
  • This research was conducted to find out the influence of brand equity, STP, pricing strategy, and decision making to increase the number of new students every year at the Excellent Class Wiyata Indonesia Management Institute (IMWI) located in Sukabumi City. This is because higher education is one of the driving forces of success of a nation to move forward and able to compete with other nations, then a university should be able to run a quality operational and service, as mandated by law. This research uses an explanatory method, a questionnaire with 5-point scale used to collect data, in order to measure indicators of variables studied. The sample obtained is 163 students, with calculation using Slovin formula, (1) there is an influence of brand equity and STP on decision making, either partially or simultaneously, (2) there is influence of brand equity and STP on pricing strategy, (3) there is an intervening pricing strategy towards decision making. The results of this study are very important for the IMWI Rector to evaluate how to increase the number of students and IMWI images in the minds of the people.


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  • How to Cite

    Kurniawan, R., Haizam Mohd Saudi, M., & Raphael Wijaya, Z. (2018). The Influence of Brand Equity and STP Towards Pricing Strategy and the Impact on Decision Making. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.34), 318-326.