Adoption of Advanced Information System for Strengthening Leg Muscles After Knee Replacement Surgery

  • Authors

    • Seong-Ran Lee
  • Knee, Replacement, Surgery, Leg muscle, Strengthening.
  • Abstract

    This paper is to identify the effect of advanced information system for strengthening leg muscles after knee replacement surgery after artificial joint surgery. The survey conducted a survey of 126 patients who visited an orthopedic surgery from January 8 to March 23, 2018 in the region of M. The general characteristics of the study participants were carried out with X²-test. The research has been obtained the procedure that changed after the surgery by t-test. The practice for strengthening leg muscles after surgery was analyzed by t-test. As a result, first, in terms of men, 52.4% of the experimental group showed a significantly higher than 46.0% of control group(X2=5.26, p<.05). Second, the mean score(57.85±1.72) of the patient's leg edema after the artificial joint surgery was significantly reduced than the mean score(74.19±2.85) before the application of the information system(t=2.17, p<.05). Third, the strength of the legs of patients had increased steadily after 8 days applying information system in the experimental group than control group. Therefore, the information  system will be a useful tool for patients to strengthen leg muscles after surgery. lt will also provide infrastructure deployment in the medical information field.



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  • How to Cite

    Lee, S.-R. (2019). Adoption of Advanced Information System for Strengthening Leg Muscles After Knee Replacement Surgery. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(1.4), 191-204.

    Received date: 2018-12-31

    Accepted date: 2018-12-31

    Published date: 2019-01-02