Methodological Approaches to Managing Business Processes in Pharmacies Using Information Technologies

  • Authors

    • Sanna Georgievna Sboeva
    • Sergey Anatolievich Krivosheev
    • Yulia Aleksandrovna Klyuyeva
  • optimization of the pharmacy’s management, modernization of business processes, pharmacy’s automation.
  • The authors substantiate the need to develop a scientific and methodical approach to modernizing business processes of a pharmacy using information technologies. IK FARM LLC pharmacy has been chosen as a model object of the study. The IDEF0 (Integrated Definition Function Modeling) method adopted as a state standard in the US and recommendations of the State Standard of Russia R 50.1.028-2001 have been used for the analysis, systematization and reorganization of business processes. The article offers methodology for optimizing the pharmacy’s activities, which includes the building of two models for managing business processes – before and after modernization (AS-IS and AS-WILL). The structure of the AS-WILL model includes new functions: “Plan the pharmacy’s activities†(set the goals and objectives of the organization, plan target sales for the next period) and “Monitor the pharmacy’s activities†(control the compliance with the rules of drugs’ storage and layout, sanitary regime, and rules of property operation). The complex automation of the pharmacy's trading activities ensures these functions through the Magister software. Estimated efficiency of business processes’ modernization based on the net present value has indicated that automation of processes will increase net unreduced profit.



  • References

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      Access mode: Access date: 12.10.2015.

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  • How to Cite

    Georgievna Sboeva, S., Anatolievich Krivosheev, S., & Aleksandrovna Klyuyeva, Y. (2018). Methodological Approaches to Managing Business Processes in Pharmacies Using Information Technologies. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 439-441.