Agroindustrial Sector of the Tambov Region in the System of Providing the Russian Population with Food

  • Authors

    • A. V. Nikitin
    • O. Yu. Antsiferova
  • export potential, agroindustrial complex, food provision, the population’s living standard, food security, import substitution.
  • Abstract

    The information and analytical materials evaluate the state and efficiency of the agroindustrial complex functioning in the country and in the Tambov Region, its impact on ensuring food and the population’s living standard. The main criterial indicators of the export potential were analyzed in terms of qualitative and quantitative indicators for the country and the region. The ways to improve the export potential, as well as to solve the problem of food self-production and to achieve food independence have been offered. The ways to improve the Russian agricultural producers’ competitiveness, to form efficiently functioning agricultural, raw materials and food markets, to increase the profitability of agricultural producers, to create a favorable investment climate, as well as to increase the volume of investments in the agricultural sector of the economy to grow its production have been developed.


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  • How to Cite

    V. Nikitin, A., & Yu. Antsiferova, O. (2018). Agroindustrial Sector of the Tambov Region in the System of Providing the Russian Population with Food. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 364-369.

    Received date: 2018-12-22

    Accepted date: 2018-12-22

    Published date: 2018-12-03