Organizational Justice from the Perspective of Potential Applicants

  • Authors

    • Hasnun Anip Bustaman1
    • Abdul Malek A. Tambi
  • Recruitment and Selection, Organizational Justice, Signaling Theory, Applicant Attraction.
  • This paper reviews the recent advancement of organizational justice influencing the people from outside organizations, which has been gaining keen attention from scholars lately. Precisely, this paper aims to construe organizational justice with a greater emphasis on the potential applicant attraction. The discussion involved the elementary of four justices encompassing procedural justice, distributive justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice in the eye of potential applicant. Finally, this paper enlarged the conceptuality of study by providing some arguments of appropriate methodology for empirical testing.


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  • How to Cite

    Anip Bustaman1, H., & Malek A. Tambi, A. (2018). Organizational Justice from the Perspective of Potential Applicants. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.34), 153-158.