Financial Performance - A Study on Indian Banks

  • Authors

    • I. Bala Mohana Krishna
    • Dr. K.S.Sekhara Rao
    • . .
  • Financial performance, Private and Public sector banks, GDP, RBI
  • Abstract

    Banks play an active role in the financial growth of kingdom. Their capacity to make a affirmative involvement in igniting the method of increase calculate on the valuable banking scheme. Banking coordination is an significant ingredient of the in general money-making system. It plays a major role in mobilizing the nation’s savings and in channelizing them into high speculation priorities plus better consumption of presented possessions. The present examination endeavors to dissect budgetary execution of Six chose Indian Public segment banks and private area Banks like Vijaya bank, Dena bank, Syndicate bank, Yes Bank, Dhanlaxmi bank, City Union bank. This investigation inspects and assesses the simultaneous execution of picked few noteworthy Indian banks amid 2017-2011. With the end goal to pass judgment on their execution, the present investigation thinks about the money related position of different open and private area Banks. Furthermore, to demonstrate this practicality, utilized the considerations ─ Return on Asset, come again on Equity and Net attention Margin, working interest edge, Interest salary/add up to resources, ROI, Net benefit. Besides, his investigation finds out through quantitative research utilizing Analysis of combined T test.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Bala Mohana Krishna, I., K.S.Sekhara Rao, D., & ., . (2018). Financial Performance - A Study on Indian Banks. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.36), 177-181.

    Received date: 2018-12-12

    Accepted date: 2018-12-12

    Published date: 2018-12-09