Robust Fault Diagnosis for a Quadrotor with Actuator Fault

  • Authors

    • N. P. Nguyen
    • S. K. Hong
  • Quadrotorter, adaptive observer, sliding mode observer, fault estimation, fault diagnosis.
  • Abstract

    Background/Objectives: Fault diagnosis (FD) is a main role in active fault tolerant control system. It can not only determine the location but also estimate the magnitude of fault.

    Methods/Statistical analysis: This article presents an adaptive fault diagnosis approach for a quadrotor with a simulated actuator fault. Firstly, the dynamics of the quadrotor are considered as a state space model. The magnitude of fault is identified through an adaptive law. Designed matrices and parameters are solving by linear matrix inequalities (LMI).

    Findings: Unlike previous studies, the present method can determine time-varying actuator faults with disturbances consideration.

    Improvements/Applications: Simulation results demonstrate that proposed method can estimate time-varying faults with high accuracy.



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  • How to Cite

    P. Nguyen, N., & K. Hong, S. (2018). Robust Fault Diagnosis for a Quadrotor with Actuator Fault. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.39), 74-77.

    Received date: 2018-12-12

    Accepted date: 2018-12-12

    Published date: 2018-12-13