Data Capture of Exergames using Kinect Sensor for Gameplay Analysis

  • Authors

    • Muhammad Fairuz Bin Abd Rauf
    • Syahirah Ismail
    • Suziyanti Marjudi
    • Mohd Fahmi Mohamad Amran
    • Nur Amlya Abd Majid
    • Zuraidy Adnan
    • Nurhafizah Moziyana Mohd Yusop
  • Data Capture, , Kinect, Exergames
  • Abstract

    This project aims to examine Exergames and its data capturing ability. The project tackles on how Exergames' tools are utilized and emphasize Kinect as the best Exergames tools to capture data. The research team developed a prototype application that can collect user information and display the result of their game play. All test conducted are using personal computer and the Kinect sensor. The results should be able to validate that Exergames can gather data and post development can convert those data into useful information for use in specific fields or for use to cater specific users. The result should prove that Kinect-based Exergames can capture useful data and the data can be utilized to maximize Exergames' potential as a new data capture technology alongside other data capture technologies.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Rauf, M. F. B. A., Ismail, S., Marjudi, S., Amran, M. F. M., Majid, N. A. A., Adnan, Z., & Yusop, N. M. M. (2018). Data Capture of Exergames using Kinect Sensor for Gameplay Analysis. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.29), 124-127.

    Received date: 2018-11-28

    Accepted date: 2018-11-28

    Published date: 2018-11-26