Introduction Blended Learning Designs on Introduction to Linguistics at West Indonesian

  • Authors

    • Yendra .
    • Willy Satria
    • Wahyudi Rahmat
    • Edwar Kemal
    • Dewi Kusumaningsih
    • Benedictus Sudiyana
    • Prembayun Miji Lestari
    • Ratna Susanti
    • Anak Agung Ayu Dian Andriyani
    • Eka Susylowati
    • Agus Budi Santoso
    • Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi
    • Wiwik Yulianti
    • Arrie Widhayani
    • Naily Nur Kholidah
    • Kundharu Saddhono
    • . .
  • Conventional Method, E-Learning Internet Based, Blended Learning, Linguistics
  • Learning methods that used to be done only face-to-face in the classroom and make the educator as a center of information (conventional) gradually begin to change towards learning that is also on-line based on the internet as an information center (E-Learning internet based). In STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat E-Learning internet based learning method itself has been introduced and implemented since 2014, but has not been maximally optimized. This is because the method does not have a standard in its implementation, and also conventional face-to-face learning method cannot be abandoned completely, hence there is overlap between the two. Accordingly, this study developed a model of learning that combines the concept of conventional learning with the concept of E-Learning internet based called Blended Learning. Blended Learning model is expected to be a solution to the above problems, so that the learning process can be implemented effectively. This research outcome is a product that is learning model design.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    ., Y., Satria, W., Rahmat, W., Kemal, E., Kusumaningsih, D., Sudiyana, B., Miji Lestari, P., Susanti, R., Agung Ayu Dian Andriyani, A., Susylowati, E., Budi Santoso, A., Bambang Putut Setiyadi, D., Yulianti, W., Widhayani, A., Nur Kholidah, N., Saddhono, K., & ., . (2018). Introduction Blended Learning Designs on Introduction to Linguistics at West Indonesian. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.4), 310-313.