Classification and Privacy Preserving Search of Multimedia Data

  • Authors

    • J Jeejo Vetharaj
    • S Selvanayaki
    • M B.Suseela
  • Outsourced database, data access patterns, privacy preserving classification.
  • Classification, which is commonly used task in data mining applications separates the data present in the database based on some category. For years and years, considering the rise of several privacy issues, solutions in the form of theoretical and practical have been proposed for the classification problem under various security models. However, for the late Notoriety about cloud computing, clients presently have the chance on outsource their data, clinched alongside encrypted form, and also those information mining assignments of the cloud.. The data on the cloud which is in encrypted form, therefore existing privacy preserving classification techniques are not applicable. In this paper, we focus on finding solution for the classification problem over the encrypted data .Users can store their data with encryption by the use of ordered relational data. So, the data is obtained correctly without decrypting. 
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  • How to Cite

    Jeejo Vetharaj, J., Selvanayaki, S., & B.Suseela, M. (2018). Classification and Privacy Preserving Search of Multimedia Data. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.34), 259-261.