Three Dimensional Cube

  • Authors

    • Pushpa Gothwal
    • Sandesh Singh Shekhawa
  • Cube, Microcontroller, Display, RGB.
  • Abstract

    Three dimensional cube is the 3D display device implemented using RGB LED. The objective of this paper to design a 3D CUBE using shift registers controlled by the microcontroller. It consists of using a 8-bit microcontrollers (Arduino Mega 2560, Arduino Uno and AT89s52) with on chip ADC, PWM and UART, RGB LEDs, pulse sensor (SEN-11574), shift registers (74HC595N) as core element of the system. It has six keys used for selecting the defined patterns like square, cube, heart traingle etc.. The application of this project is used for entertainment, display the measured physiological parameter (Heart beat), learning and teaching purpose. It can also help to medical professionals for teaching purpose, defence personals in RADAR and architects.



  • References

    1. [1] Luke Ausley, Joshua Moyerman & Andrew (2013), “3D LED Cube" senior design 1 Project documentation (Group – 15), University of Central Florida.

      [2] Fangzheng Song, Nelson Lee, Candace Chen, Yang Liu & Tristan Sturgess (2014),“True 3D image manipulatorâ€, ELEC/CENG Design Project report (Group -16) , Dept. Elect. And Cs. Eng., University of Victoria.

      [3] David Wyatt & Lawrence Wujanto (2005), “A Volumetric 3D LED Displayâ€, Final year Project , ,Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory , MIT, Cambridge.

      [4] Katarína Žáková (2016), “The Use of 3D LED Cube for Basic Programming Teachingâ€, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49, 6, 203-206.

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  • How to Cite

    Gothwal, P., & Singh Shekhawa, S. (2018). Three Dimensional Cube. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.30), 90-95.

    Received date: 2018-08-25

    Accepted date: 2018-08-25

    Published date: 2018-08-24