Grouping of Japan's Media Sphere Elements

  • Authors

    • Stanislav Sergeevich Lukin
    • Anatoli Stepanovich Puiy
    • Sergey Borisovich Nikonov
    • Anna Vitalievna Baichick
    • Eleonora Michailovna Glinternik
  • Media Sphere of Japan, Elements of the Media Sphere, Media of Japan.
  • Abstract

    Today, Japan's media sphere is undergoing significant changes under the influence of globalization and the development of information and communication technologies, but it retains traditional features. In these conditions, a comprehensive analysis of the modern Japanese media sphere, in particular, an analysis of the problems of its institutionalization, as well as the identification of the features of the functioning mechanism, allowing it to occupy the leading positions in the world in terms of the development of media institutions, is becoming relevant. This paper presents the results of research on the media sphere in Japan and suggests the grouping of its elements. The adoption of the proposed grouping of elements of the media sphere will help researchers understand the essence of the media system in Japan.




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  • How to Cite

    Sergeevich Lukin, S., Stepanovich Puiy, A., Borisovich Nikonov, S., Vitalievna Baichick, A., & Michailovna Glinternik, E. (2018). Grouping of Japan’s Media Sphere Elements. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.14), 381-385.

    Received date: 2018-08-07

    Accepted date: 2018-08-07

    Published date: 2018-07-25