Management of Rectification of the Consequences of an Emergency Situation

  • Authors

    • Andrey Klimentevich Chernykh
    • Sergey Arkadyevich Nefedyev
    • Evgenij Nikolaevich Bardulin
    • Vladislav Pavlovich Andreev
    • Olga Vladimirovna Stashevskaya
  • emergency situation, decision for emergency response, information systems, information threats, unauthorized access, information protection, malicious programs.
  • The purpose of the paper is to develop an information technology used to implement operational and quality management of rectification of the consequences of an emergency situation. Typical examples are given of malicious programs and the ways of their impact on the work of computers used to develop solutions for the elimination of the consequences of an emergency situation. To prevent unauthorized access to computers and their infection with malicious programs, preventive measures are recommended. The novelty of the paper is the development of an information technology to recover the encrypted or blocked by malicious programs data necessary to develop solutions for the elimination of the consequences of an emergency situation and the concept of building a fragment of an information system within which this information technology should be implemented. The authors consider an approach to the improvement of the information system for officials of the management bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, developing a solution for the relief of the consequences of an emergency situation, which provides the protection of their personal computers from malicious programs.


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  • How to Cite

    Klimentevich Chernykh, A., Arkadyevich Nefedyev, S., Nikolaevich Bardulin, E., Pavlovich Andreev, V., & Vladimirovna Stashevskaya, O. (2018). Management of Rectification of the Consequences of an Emergency Situation. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.14), 276-282.