The Potential Impacts of Anthropogenic and Climate Changes Factors on Surface Water Ecosystem Deterioration at Kenyir Lake, Malaysia
Kenyir Lake Basin, Water Ecosystem Deterioration, Wet season, Dry season, National Water Quality Standard (NWQS). -
Water ecosystem deterioration can be affected by various factors of either natural environment or physical changes in the river basin.. Data observation were made during dry season (April 2017) and wet season (December 2017). 21 sampling stations were selected along Kenyir Lake Basin. Overall, the water quality status as stated in NWQS is categorized as Class I on dry season and Class II on wet season. The major pollutants in Kenyir Lake are Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolve Oxygen and pH which are contributed largely by untreated or partially treated sewage from tourism development and construction activities around the basin. The sedimentation problem level in the Kenyir Lake Basin is not in critically stage but the flow rate of water and land use activities (development around basin) will be contributed to the increasing levels of sedimentation. The good site management such as the implementation of proper site practice measures to control and treat run-off prior to discharge will ensure that the construction works will not affect the quality and quantity of the receiving waters or have significant impact upon the receiving waters.
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How to Cite
Khairul Amri Kamarudin, M., Abd Wahab, N., Juahir, H., Mohd Firdaus Nik Wan, N., Barzani Gasim, M., Ekhwan Toriman, M., Marcus Ata, F., Ghazali, A., Anuar, A., Abdullah, H., Izzati Hussain, N., Hirman Azmee, S., Hafiz Md Saad, M., Saupi, M., Sujaul Islam, M., & Elfithri, R. (2018). The Potential Impacts of Anthropogenic and Climate Changes Factors on Surface Water Ecosystem Deterioration at Kenyir Lake, Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.14), 67-74. date: 2018-08-05
Accepted date: 2018-08-05
Published date: 2018-07-25