Smart Waste Bin with Real-Time Monitoring System

  • Authors

    • Norfadzlia Mohd Yusof
    • Mohd Faizal Zulkifli
    • Nor Yusma Amira Mohd Yusof
    • Azziana Afififie Azman
  • IoT, solid waste management, wireless sensor network, Arduino, ultrasonic, PIR motion sensor, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, smart waste bin, GSM/GPRS module, solar
  • Abstract

    This paper presents IoT innovation project of a smart waste bin with real time monitoring system which integrates multiple technologies such as solar system, sensors and wireless communication technologies. The aim of this project is to provide an efficient and cost-effective waste collection management system hence providing clean, healthy and green environment. This study proposed a new framework that enables remote monitoring of solid waste bin in real-time via Wi-Fi connection, to assist the waste management activity. The system framework is based on wireless sensor network [WSN] contains three segments: renewable energy source, WSN and control station. Within this framework there are four developed subsystems: solar power system, smart waste bin, short messaging service [SMS] notification system and real-time monitoring system that are interrelated to each other to perform as an efficient, cost-effective waste management system that yield to a green and healthy living environment.



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  • How to Cite

    Mohd Yusof, N., Faizal Zulkifli, M., Yusma Amira Mohd Yusof, N., & Afififie Azman, A. (2018). Smart Waste Bin with Real-Time Monitoring System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.29), 725-729.

    Received date: 2018-06-10

    Accepted date: 2018-06-10

    Published date: 2018-05-22