Individual Education Program (IEP) Paperwork : A Narrative Review
Narrative Review, Individual Education Program (IEP), Paperwork, Burden of Administrative Tasks -
Previous studies have shown that teachers understand the importance of Individual Education Program (IEP), but they consider the administrative tasks of IEP as a burden. This review aims to illustrate how long the teacher completed the IEP administrative tasks, to explain why teachers view IEP as a burden, and to describe the strategies to minimize obstacles related to the administrative burden of IEP. The procedure of narrative review is selecting journals based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria related to administrative burden of IEP paperwork. The result shows that teachers spend more time doing IEP paperwork than assessing students’ assignments, communicating with parents, and sharing with colleagues. IEP paperwork takes up more than 10% of working time. The reasons IEP paperwork perceived as burdens are because of a large number of IEP forms and details, the multiple IEP service flow, the lack of knowledge of the personnel relating to the preparation or implementation of IEPs, the lack of assistance of administrative staff to complete the IEP paperwork, and the short/limited deadlines for administrative duties of IEP. The proposed strategies are improving appropriate technology, streamlining the contents of IEP forms, group IEP and increase the IEP administrative skills of the teachers.
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How to Cite
Kartika, A., Retno Suminar, D., M.W. Tairas, M., & Hendriani, W. (2018). Individual Education Program (IEP) Paperwork : A Narrative Review. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.29), 682-687. date: 2018-06-10
Accepted date: 2018-06-10
Published date: 2018-05-22