Fuzzy hysteresis current control of five phase permanent magnet motor under open-circuit faults

  • Authors

    • Mekri Fatiha
    • Oum El Fadhel Loubaba Bekri
  • Current References, Fault Tolerant Control, Fuzzy Logic Control, Multi-Phase Machine.
  • Abstract

    This paper presents a new current controller of a PWM of multiphase PM machines with a fuzzy logic band. With this kind of system it is possible to determine optimal currents references which maximize the torque density of the system when one or two phases are open circuited. We propose in this paper to combine this optimal reference current generation with fuzzy hysteresis control band. This solution allows a good tracking of these unconventional reference currents with a fixed switching frequency for the VSI. The study carried on simulation via software MatLab/Simulink.



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  • How to Cite

    Fatiha, M., & El Fadhel Loubaba Bekri, O. (2018). Fuzzy hysteresis current control of five phase permanent magnet motor under open-circuit faults. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.28), 369-374. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i2.28.13213

    Received date: 2018-05-23

    Accepted date: 2018-05-23

    Published date: 2018-05-16