Enhancing formal specification and verification of e-commerce protocol
2017-02-26 https://doi.org/10.14419/jacst.v6i1.6713 -
SET Protocol, Cryptographic Protocol, SPI and PH-SPI Calculus, Authentication and Privacy. -
Lots of work have been attempted to enhance the SET protocol performance special attention is on E-payment phase. This paper thoroughly analyzes recent works on payment phase; it has been found that this subject requires considerable enhancements, since there are areas, which require further study such as: E-payment phase in SET protocol.
E-payment phase is vast and complex phase it has long series of steps. The behavior of environment is assumed by the phase and is restricted to the rules built by their proposed protocol. This paper will follow Ph-Spi calculus for formalizing and analyzing enhanced payment phase of SET protocol by reducing the number of transactions with many additional operators.
A new agent controller will be formally modeled, which we can rely upon to make automated decisions during interaction with a dynamic protocol environment. So, this agent controller is used to terminate the transaction process in any case of fraud or attack. This paper is conjunction between our previous works of E-payment phase in SET protocol and other works in Ph-Spi calculus in purpose of analyzing and proving the main security properties: authentication and privacy to evaluate the efficiency of the enhanced security of electronic payment phase for SET protocol (E-SET) using Ph-Spi calculus.
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How to Cite
Al-Refai, H., & Batiha, K. (2017). Enhancing formal specification and verification of e-commerce protocol. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (JACST), 6(1), 13-19. https://doi.org/10.14419/jacst.v6i1.6713Received date: 2016-09-08
Accepted date: 2016-11-02
Published date: 2017-02-26