Study of transient phenomena using NI-USB data acquisition systems in Matlab-Simulink medium on 64 bit operating systems
Capacitive Circuit, Data Acquisition, Diagrams, Differential Equation, Electrical Diagram, Matlab- Simulink, NI-USB. -
The paper presents a new and modern method for study the transient phenomena appeared to connect the capacitive charges to an AC power source, using the MATLAB-SIMULINK software package. It is known that NI-USB data-acquisition systems manufactured by National Instruments are not seen by Simulink software package in 64-bit systems. For this is obligatory for use a 32-bit system. From this point of view, the article presents a method by which this disadvantage is eliminated, making possible the data acquisition process in Simulink software package.
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How to Cite
Titu, N. (2015). Study of transient phenomena using NI-USB data acquisition systems in Matlab-Simulink medium on 64 bit operating systems. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (JACST), 4(1), 198-203. date: 2015-03-22
Accepted date: 2015-04-20
Published date: 2015-04-24