Subarea tree routing algorithm based infrastructure for mobile ad-hoc networks

  • Authors

    • Omeed Kamal Khorsheed PhD student in Facility of computing , university technology Malaysia
    • Prof Dr Abdul Hanan Abdullah prof in Facility of computing UTM
  • STR, Clustering, Sub-area, Multi-Hop, Mobility, Tree, Routing Table, Proactive, Reactive.
  • Abstract

    Ad hoc networks are self-organizing and multi-hop networks for data communication. Subarea Tree Routing (STR) has used for multi-hop networks for network division into various subareas. The main objective of this paper is creating a dynamic sub-area tree infrastructure for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET). The proposed architecture uses the hierarchical procedure to divide the whole network into many geographical sub-area networks. In addition, each sub-area has a selected root node, we can configure the root node manually due to small ad hoc network and uses auto-discovery procedure to select the roots for large networks. The root node is located at the center of sub-area with hop level zero. The root function is used to update the routing table and root table for sub-area. After sub-area created any interconnected node detects a new inefficient node for sending the invitation message to join the sub-area tree. In the same sub-area, proactive routing protocols are used between the sub-area root node and its interconnect nodes and reactive routing protocols are used between all sub-areas root nodes. The new sub-area tree provides an infrastructure to avoid the flooding procedures. Routing in the sub-area tree avoids the transmission collision to optimize the ad-hoc networks.



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  • How to Cite

    Kamal Khorsheed, O., & Abdul Hanan Abdullah, P. D. (2019). Subarea tree routing algorithm based infrastructure for mobile ad-hoc networks. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (JACST), 8(1), 11-15.

    Received date: 2018-09-05

    Accepted date: 2019-04-18

    Published date: 2019-06-12