Theoretical investigation of acoustic wave velocity of aluminum phosphide under pressure
Alp Semiconductor, Bulk and Surface Acoustic Wave Velocities, Newton-Raphson's Iterative Method, High Pressure. -
The bulk and surface acoustic wave velocities of Aluminum phosphide (AlP) semiconducting material under pressure up to 9.5 GPa were studied. The structural parameters and the elastic constants used in this work are taken from our previous paper published in J. Optoelec-tron. Adv. M. 16, 207 (2014). The results obtained at zero-pressure are analyzed and compared with other data of the literature. In addition, the acoustic Grüneisen parameter and the Vickers and Knoop microhardness are predicted and analyzed in detail. Our calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental and other theoretical data of literature.
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How to Cite
Daoud, S., Latreche, A., & Kumar Saini, P. (2019). Theoretical investigation of acoustic wave velocity of aluminum phosphide under pressure. International Journal of Physical Research, 7(1), 3-6. date: 2018-12-11
Accepted date: 2019-04-18
Published date: 2019-05-05