Boundedness in Lebesgue spaces of Riesz potentials on commutative hypergroups
Hardy-Littlevood Maximal Function, Hypergroup, Riesz Potential. -
In the present paper we consider Riesz potentials on commutative hypergroups and prove  the boundedness of these potentials from \(L^{p} \left( K,\lambda \right) \)  to \(L^{q} \left( K,\lambda \right) \). We also prove the  inequality from \(L^{1} \left( K,\lambda \right) \) to weak \(L^{q} \left( K,\lambda \right) \) for Riesz potentials on commutative hypergroups. -
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How to Cite
Hajibayov, M. (2015). Boundedness in Lebesgue spaces of Riesz potentials on commutative hypergroups. Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 3(1), 18-25. date: 2014-12-07
Accepted date: 2015-01-05
Published date: 2015-01-16