Perceived HR Practices and Intention to Quit of Generation X and Y in Unionize Organization

  • Authors

    • Vimala Kadiresan
    • Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed
    • Charles Ramendran SPR
    • Shanti Nadarajah
    • Samad Kakar
  • Intention To Quit, Remuneration, Performance Appraisal, Training And Development, Gen Y, Gen X.
  • Hotel industry is one of the important segments that contribute greatly to the world’s economy. The intention of employees to quit is very crucial in any organization especially in the service industry. The importance of this study is to provide some insights on how organizations, (specifically hotel industry) could apply various management styles to different generations in the workplace. Nearly 269  usable survey questionnaires  have  been collected from 25 unionize hotel employees in Peninsular of Malaysia and the data has  been analyzed with partial least squares (PLS) 2.0.The studies reveal  that factors like performance appraisal and remuneration are not important factors for Gen Y employees to leave the organization. Moreover R square shows 58.6 %, which negatively relates to an   intention to quit, explaining   total variance. The findings show that, Gen Y have a set of characteristics that is different from other employees and they are always on a look out   to innovate and highlight their talents. Furthermore, the findings of this study provide some practical implications on the effect of the intention to quit in the hotel industry. It also could help the managers and Human Resource department to have better understanding in managing and coping with the turnover issues in the hotel industry.


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  • How to Cite

    Kadiresan, V., Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed, R., Ramendran SPR, C., Nadarajah, S., & Kakar, S. (2018). Perceived HR Practices and Intention to Quit of Generation X and Y in Unionize Organization. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.15), 505-509.