GPS-Guided Smart Go-Kart with Obstacle Avoidance

  • Authors

    • Alexander C. Abad
    • Dino Dominic F. Ligutan
    • Carl Vinson B. Matulac
    • Marc Serzo
    • Raven A. Soliguen
  • This study presents a Smart Go-Kart capable of moving automatically from one waypoint to another. The system uses hoverboard as its main engine. GPS is used for setting the beginning and destination through an android application. The graphical user interface contains buttons to select the destination with an option of manual or automatic drive, and the inputs will be sent to the Arduino microcontroller through Bluetooth module. The Kart starts moving after all the inputs are set and will navigate automatically by the help of the algorithm created by the researchers which integrates the compass sensor from the android application and the wiper motor. A certain radius is placed on the google maps that will actively check if the kart’s marker enters that circle; if the marker is detected inside that circle’s area, the android application sends a command to the Arduino to stop the process that means destination is reached.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Abad, A. C., Ligutan, D. D. F., Matulac, C. V. B., Serzo, M., & Soliguen, R. A. (2018). GPS-Guided Smart Go-Kart with Obstacle Avoidance. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.16), 169-173.