A Case Study of Undergraduate Students Computer Self-Efficacy from Rural Areas

  • Authors

    • Rajermani Thinakaran
    • Rosmah Ali
    • Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin
  • Computer Self-Efficacy, Computer Skills, Rural Arrears, Undergraduate Students.
  • In students’ learning process, self-efficacy plays an important part. In Malaysia, there are a number of researches on students’ self-efficacy. However, none of the studies focuses on undergraduate students’ computer self-efficacy from the rural areas. This article presents a quantitative research on undergraduate students’ perceived computer self-efficacy. A total of 128 first semester undergraduate students participated in the survey, employing a 27-item questionnaire measuring computer self-efficacy. The items were pilot-tested before being administered to the respondents. Outcome of the research show that computer self-efficacy level is high for basic and advanced skills. The result of the research shows that rural community has accepted the ICT as part of their lifestyle. 



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  • How to Cite

    Thinakaran, R., Ali, R., & Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, W. (2018). A Case Study of Undergraduate Students Computer Self-Efficacy from Rural Areas. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.20), 270-274. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.20.19164