Automatic Door Control System Using SMS Gateway Base on Arduino Uno and Ultrasonic Sensor

  • Authors

    • Adam Faroqi
    • Adi Fitriadi
    • Neni Utami Adiningsih
    • Muhammad Ali Ramdhani
  • automatic door, ultrasonic sensor, SMS Gateway, Arduino Uno
  • The purpose of this research is to design an automatic door control system using media consist of Arduino Uno, SMS Gateway, ultrasonic sensor, relay, accu (batterai), buzzer, and adapter. The design methodology did with several stages: software design, hardware design, system implementation, and system testing. The design results show the system works well for opening and locking doors via SMS Gateway, as well as alerting via SMS when the door opened forcibly.



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  • How to Cite

    Faroqi, A., Fitriadi, A., Utami Adiningsih, N., & Ali Ramdhani, M. (2018). Automatic Door Control System Using SMS Gateway Base on Arduino Uno and Ultrasonic Sensor. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.4), 122-126.