Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio by Use of Volume-Based Method

  • Authors

    • C S. Preetham
    • Ch Mahesh
    • Ch Saranga Haripriya
    • Ramaraju Anirudh
    • M S. Sireesha
  • Cognitive Radio, Spectrum sensing, Energy Detector, Volume-Based Method, Licensed user, Unlicensed user
  • Spectrum sensing is the mission of finding the licensed user signal situation, i.e. to determine the existence and deficiency of primary (licensed) user signal, the recent publications random matrix theory algorithms performs better-quality in spectrum sensing. The RMT fundamental nature is to make use of the distributed extremal eigenvalues of the arrived signal sample covariance matrix (SMC), specifically, Tracy-Widom (TW) distribution which is useful to certain extent in spectrum sensing but demanding for numerical evaluations because there is absence of closed-form expression in it. The sample covariance matrix determinant is designed for two novel volume-based detectors or signal existence and deficiency cases are differentiated by using volume. Under the Gaussian noise postulation one of the detectors theoretical decision thresholds is perfectly calculated by using Random matrix theory. The volume-based detectors efficiency is shown in simulation results.


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  • How to Cite

    S. Preetham, C., Mahesh, C., Saranga Haripriya, C., Anirudh, R., & S. Sireesha, M. (2018). Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio by Use of Volume-Based Method. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.17), 34-39. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i2.17.11554