Is dark energy – an alias of cosmic rotational kinetic energy?

  • Authors

    • Satya Seshavatharam UV I-SERVE, Hyderabad, AP, India.Sr. Engineer, QA-DIP, Lanco Industries Ltd, Tirupati, AP, India.
    • Lakshminarayana S Andhra university, India
  • Planck Scale, Mach’s Principle, Dark Energy, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Cosmic Age, Cosmic Scale Factor.
  • Abstract

    Considering Planck scale and Mach’s principle, theoretically it is possible to show that magnitude of the currently believed dark energy is equal to the magnitude of current cosmic rotational kinetic energy.

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  • How to Cite

    UV, S. S., & S, L. (2016). Is dark energy – an alias of cosmic rotational kinetic energy?. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 4(2), 90-94.

    Received date: 2016-08-08

    Accepted date: 2016-09-10

    Published date: 2016-09-20